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Download Essential Documents For
17 London Street, St Marys Bay, Auckland

Download Essential Documents for 

17 London Street, St Marys Bay

To assist you in making an informed decision about this exceptional property, we have made the following essential documents available for download:

  • LIM Report: Detailed Land Information Memorandum outlining the property’s zoning, land use, and any council-related matters.

  • Title: Freehold title documentation confirming ownership and legal boundaries.

  • Sales & Purchase Agreement: Draft agreement outlining terms and conditions for purchase.

  • Floor Plans: Detailed layout of the 292sqm residence, including room dimensions and flow

  • Chattels List: A full list of included fixtures and fittings.

These documents provide invaluable insights into the architectural integrity, legal standing, and investment potential of this prestigious property. 

Complete the form this page to download the documents and take the next step towards owning one of Auckland’s most coveted homes.

For any further questions or to schedule a private viewing, please contact:
Rosh Daji
James Law Realty


Complete to download

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